Monday 28 October 2024

Western Shootout game in 54mm

Based on a rule from a fellow wargamer, I changed the setup so each player has a team of 4 figures, and a goal to reach. There are 4 possible bandit teams and 4 possible lawmen teams.  Each bandit team has a mawmen team with opposite goal. This means when one team is drawn, the next player receives the linked opposite team.

The main figure of a team is eliminated on the forth wound, the secondary figures on the second one.

As this is not the first time we play the game, I added some surprises. Each player received 3 extra figures, of which only one is also added to his team but the other players do not know which one. These figures out on the first wound, but can be posted anywhere in the town. 

Special events out of a list of 12 can occur based on dice rolls. 

Kristof had drawn Marshall Earp: 
 Marshall Earps misson: A group of bounty hunters have delivered “Bald” Sergio Leone and the judge has decided to hang him.
Objective: Escort “Bald” Sergio Leone to the gallows (6p) and don’t let him escape (4p). Eliminate as many bandits as possible (1p per character).

As a result, Steven had to take the Morrecone gang: 
His misson : The Good, the Bad, the Ugly & the Handsome (The Morrecone Gang)
The Morrecone Gang has specialized in delivering “Bald” Sergio Leone to the law because there is a large amount of money on his head. After collecting the money, they free Leone and go to the next city.
Objective: Free the convict before he is hanged (10p) and eliminate as many law enforcement officers as possible (1p per character)

Patirck an Siegfried forming a team had drawn "the Daltons"
Their misson : The Daltons have, yes, escaped again and are on their way to their mother’s Saloon to pick up the booty from the latest robbery, and to take their mother with them. Only Ma Dalton knows where the loot is and the game leader will pass this on as soon as Ma Dalton is taken out of the saloon).
Goal: Get the booty (6p) and get Ma Dalton away (4p), and take out as many law enforcement officers as possible (1p per figure)

Which resulted in Ronny havin Lucky Luke and the amry.
Misson of Lucky Luke and the army: The Daltons have, yes, escaped again and are on their way to their mother's saloon to get the loot from the latest robbery, and to take their mother with them..
Goal: Take out all Daltons (including Ma Dalton) (2p per Dalton) and take out as many bandits as possible (1p per figure)

The Earps started from the prisson, right behind the Sheriff house.

Lucky Lucke and the army

Ma Dalton in the Saloon

The "Bad" and the "Handsome" move up to the prisson

One of the Daltons taking position

One of the special events : a mexican comes out of the saloon and takes a shot at one of the lawmen.
A hit on one of the soldiers, scoring a wound.

The Daltons quickly brought in safety Ma Dalton of table.

Avarelll Dalton shot down a cowboy from his horse, and took it to go quickly to the cemetery where the booty was burried.

While Waytt Earp is escoring the prisoner to the gallow, this brothers and Doc Holiday, with the help of Lt Garland and Lucky Luke, keep at bay the Morrecone gang. However, Lucky and received some wounds and Lt Garland was eliminated in the process, which endangered Ronny's mission. Also Doc Holiday and "The Bad" went down.

Aftr having neutralized one of the Daltons, Lucky Luke was gunned down by Joe Dalton

Another special event, cows breaking loose and stampeding 2 turns through the town. Each player can coltrol one cow or ox. Ronny lost his last figure in the end. Also Joe Dalton was wounded by the cows.

In the end “Bald” Sergio Leone was hanged by the Earps, so Kristof did win the game. The Daltons weren't able to dig up the loot, as Avarell was shot from his horse by Waytt Earp.  So Siegfried and Patrick with the Daltons ended second, Steven third, and Ronny, having lost all of his figures with not that much af bad guys shot down, was last.


Thursday 24 October 2024

Charge of the Light Brigade Oct. 25, 1854

 To mark the 170th anniversary of the Battle of Balaclava, I pulled out all the Charge of the Light Brigade toy soldiers I have been collecting over the past ten years. I think I have all I need, although I really should repaint some of the Hussars and give them red trousers to represent the 11th Hussars. I have yet to play a game with these. I hope to play a game over the weekend, using simple rules, but I wanted to post this in time for the anniversary tomorrow.


Monday 14 October 2024

French and Indian War Game

 I ran a game based (very loosely) on Robert Rogers' raid on the Abenaki village of St. Francis during the French and Indian War. In the historic event, most of the fighting men in the village were away searching for Rogers' force and so Rogers' only opposition were old men, women and children. In my game I added Indian warriors, French Marines and Militia to give a more balanced scenario. The rules I used were Muskets and Tomahawks 1st Ed. The French and Indians began the game hidden in the lodges and houses of the village and were activated only when the British were spotted or fired their muskets. The British were able to infiltrate into three of the Indian lodges before they were spotted. Before the French and Indians could react, the lodges were set afire. One of the French and Indian victory conditions was to escort the village Sachem (Leader) to safety, which they accomplished. There was a lot of fighting around the burning Indian lodges, with the Indians attacking and routing one of the British Light Infantry units and badly mauling another. Rogers' Rangers played cautiously and made use of their firepower to keep the rest of the Indians at a distance. The French Marines put up a strong defense, exchanging volleys with the British until they were whittled down and had to rout. In the rules, the Indians are at a great advantage when fighting in the cover of the woods, but in the village their 6 figure units become very brittle and eventually the British were able to push the Indians and Militia out of the village and Rogers' force completed their objective of burning the village. It was a fun game, but next time I am going to set the scenario in the woods to give the Indians a more balanced game. Note the enemy scalps hanging in the center of the village, as noted by Rogers.