Wednesday 29 January 2020

AWI Brandywine campagne - 1e treffen - Slag bij Burlington

De kaart, samengesteld op basis van google maps en, voor de aantallen en plaatsen van boerderijen, bossen en velden, de dobbelsteen.

De 4th North-Carolina continental Brigade van Generaal Nash had zich ingegraven in Burlington en werd aangevallen door de 8th Highland Brigade van Generaal Campbell maar persoonlijk geleid door generaal Howe zelf en ondersteund door de 7th Hessian Brigade van generaal Wayne, waarbij generaal Kyphausen ook zelf de leiding nam.

Voor er werd aangevallen hadden de Britten nog de intentie ultiem een brief van zijn majesteit koning George III te overhandigen met voorstel tot algehele amnestie, maar de opgestuurde onderhandelaars werden beschoten!

Geschokt ging generaal Howe tot de aanval over.

Tot 2 maal toe werd het eerste bataljon Highlanders teruggedreven bij hun poging de brug te bestormen.  De bossen en de begroeiing langs de Creeck verhinderde het efficiënt gebruik van de massaal meegebrachte artillerie.  Ook cavalerie was niet bruikbaar.  Dit was een terrein voor lichte troepen.  Het waren dan ook de Fergusons Rifles, en de Britse 2ND light inf. die het gewicht van de aanval torstten en de meeste verliezen toebrachten, en de continentals uit hun ingegraven stellingen verjoegen.  Ook het 2e Highlander bataljon deed zijn deel door het bestormen van de positie van de Amerikaanse 2nd Light inf. En door deze van het slagveld te verdrijven de uitkomst van de slag te bezegelen.

Het toekomen van generaal Washington met de 3rd New-Jersey militia Brigade van generaal Dayton, kon niets betekenen aan de uitkomst van de slag. Washington beslistte tot een haastige terugtocht  Waarbij de Amerikaanse 3th Light inf. De aftocht dekte met nog een geslaagde aanval op de Hessense Jägers.

de campagnekaart

Monday 27 January 2020

Rorke's Drift Game in 54mm

Last year at this time we played a Rorke's Drift game using The Men Who Would Be Kings. This year we tried The Sword and the Flame. The rules provided an exciting, but lengthy game, in fact we only got through one and a half of the three scenario "Waves" in five hours. When we stopped the game, the hospital was on fire, and the Zulus had just broken into the storehouse and were on the roof and the British were hard pressed on both the north and south walls. It would take a miracle for them to survive to the end of the second wave and then survive a third wave with even more (15) fresh Zulu units. Below are some photos. The first is of me in my new mustache.

Saturday 25 January 2020

Second Anglo-Boer War: Another train rolled in!

Another Train Rolled In!

May 2019 I tried contributing with a post for the last time. That article was still incomplete. I’ve now made it a whole with a storyline and pictures. 

Airfix, ACTA, Britains Deetail and Marklin Maxi in the second Anglo-Boer War 

Sunday 12 January 2020

Pirate Skirmish Game

We played a fun skirmish game based on the pirate attack on the stockade from Robert Louis Stevenson's Treasure Island. We used the Fistful of Lead, one man equals one figure, rules, which included the rules we needed for reloading muzzle loader weapons and breaking down doors. As in the book, the stockade blockhouse was defended by four named characters, Jim Hawkins, Capt. Smollett, Dr. Livesey and Squire Trelawney as well as four servants and loyal seamen, eight total. The pirates, led by Long John Silver, numbered eighteen, a third of whom were armed with muskets, a third with pistols and a third with swords and melee weapons. The pirates took several casualties as they raced from the cover of the jungle to the palisades of the stockade. Once they gained the soft cover of the palisades, they were able to suppress some of the fire from the blockhouse. The pirates then launched an undisciplined attack on the blockhouse, these were pirates, after all. The fighting took place through the blockhouse apertures and, once the door was forced, inside the blockhouse itself. There were many individual hand to hand combats. Eventually, Capt, Smollett, Dr. Livesey and two loyal sailors succumbed to sword blows, but Jim Hawkins and the Squire and two servants held out until they killed nine pirates and wounded most of the rest, at which time the pirates called off the attack. Pirate figures included Barzso, Conte and Forces of Valor. The defenders were mainly AWI figures.