Tuesday 14 March 2017


Avanti per Bonaparte! go to Calenzano 2017.

Presentation of the wargame under the Toy soldier and Doll Show during the 18 years of the competition of painting miniature "Frammenti di Storia", located from 11 and 12 March at the Hotel Delta Florence to Calenzano in the province of Florence.

Continue the adventure of your patient lone Italian member
for launching also in Italy the wargame we all love, this time we are in Calenzano, for il "Salone del Soldatino e della Bambola da Collezione", an international show for the story of Toy soldier with more than 200 exhibitors, manufacturers Companies, painters and experts from around the Country.

A must for fans of the plastic figures and miniature in 54mm and in other scales.

My brother and I start early from Lucca to arrive on site at 8 am and set up the space for present a field section of the battle, of course Napoleonic soldiers in abundance (You can see the tired face of the early morning).
A view on battle and my stand.
First visitors.
French and Russian in battle.

Arabs, French Legion and Indians of FIW (on top, my best figures of Victrix, Hat and Italeri).

Many experts of the collection figures but without money.

My stand again.

The wargames with the original edition.

After seven hours, all are very tired. Many visitors but there is the crisis and I can see it like many others friends present to Calenzano 2017. We want return to home!!


You can see my Replicants Cossaks, my only cavalry present to Calenzano.


Many complements for my toy soldiers, many question on the Wargames but no sale and not only for me (but I sell only the rules and special dice, my figures and gaming accessories are not for sale)Many, however, took my business card with the Web address of Regulations.

How to make a balance of the day ... there is the economic crisis and the toy soldier has become a genre unnecessary so few sales on the market. The older collectors prefer the metal and collect in a static way and this event is not point to the wargames world (even though I knew a fan of my age who started its production on the Franco-Indian wars in plastic for to play, among others, a very beautiful series that I show you on the blog as soon as possible).
However, this was a first time both for me and for Avanti per Bonaparte!
It was an important event on the figures of the industry's calendar, it was important to be present and to show this product. I can not follow the whole calendar but in the future Calenzano, Agliana and Lucca Comics can be best exploited in order to participate maybe even with an effective battle.
Apart from the gain, I had fun and my brother, who was forced to accompany me because my car was firm, was enthusiastic and now speaks of a constant participation in exhibitions, we will see if this will be possible. Meanwhile, I will take the first information about Agliana, I can think it for the next year not before...
Greetings from Italy by a tired but happy Cambronne (my nom de guerre as a painter of 54mm) and see you soon!