Saturday, 24 March 2018

Zoeloe vs Britten op 8 april in De Pinte : slag bij Ingilazi Yobhiya

Zondagnamiddag (14u) 8 april bij Bart en Mark de slag bij Ingilazi Yobhiya:  een Zoeloe vs Britten game met 28 mm figuren en scenery, met aangepaste About Bonaparte regel.

Wil je erbij zijn, laat iets weten

Monday, 12 March 2018

A Piece of Market Garden in 54mm

Last Saturday I christened my recent 54mm WW2 collection with a game using the skirmish rules called "Nuts!". The scenario was based on the link up between the British armoured column of XXX Corps and the Polish Paratroopers in Driel. The Poles and the British tanks started at opposite ends of the 3 meter table. In between the German player had noted hidden units on a map that were not revealed until they were spotted. That's what the British reconnaissance unit of two Daimler scout cars, a Bren gun carrier and two jeeps were supposed to detect. Unfortunately, the recon unit ran straight into heavy German resistance on the first move and soon ceased being a viable unit. A little further into the German defenses, a Pak 40 anti tank gun and a panzer revealed themselves from behind woods and a hedge and soon one of the British Sherman tanks "brewed up". Meanwhile, on the Polish side of the table, the Polish Paras advanced cautiously and made contact with two German infantry units hidden in a drainage ditch. The Poles boldly advanced through an open field and, with luck on their side won the rifle and grenade contest and forced both German units to retreat. A single Daimler scout car had survived the initial German ambush  and it rushed toward the Poles only to be disabled by a lucky shot from a German armored car which had
emerged from hiding. The Poles set up their anti tank gun and blasted the panzer tank which had destroyed a British half track and stopped all progress on its side of the elevated road. After that we called the game in favor of the Allies, but the Germans had taken quite toll, wiping out the recon unit, a Sherman and a half track before retiring. The Nuts! rules are designed for one man one figure combat and the size of the game stretched the rules to their limit. I am now looking for more of a company scale set of rules, but still using single figures.

Monday, 5 March 2018

Warcon 2018 game : "A day at Circus Maximus"

Pics of  Stevens' and Gilberts' game at Warcon.

Most pics from Gilbert 

Steven and Gilbert were pesent with combining a chariot race game  and a gladiator game.

Ronny, club member also present

Steven running the gladiator game

Gilbert : the master scratch builder

The cornflakes boxes arena

Start of the race

 A few from 

Murphy’s heroes…