In the early morn o' monday March 17th, a cowardly attack was launched by armed Federal dilettantes aimin' at a Tennessee bound supply column under Confederate command. The transport held ordinary grocery for the communities south of Nashville. The hold-up, in force, took place in the direct vicinity of the Fried Den horse & watering station. By our reporter: Al Griffith
"Let grandma get 'er smokers"
Led by general Gree the initial Northern atrocities were quickly opposed. A swift reply of our beloved Confederate forces formed an improvised but primarily, stout line of defense. Consisting of a mixed bag of Hat(ted) Tigers, 8th Revell state troopers, Imex-ian Artillerymen, 30st Timpo Swoppet Grey's, Italeri Light Horse and foreign veteran Cresent legionairs. Some elements were of unknown brand but stood nonetheless by The Colours of Dixie.
Above: Confederates on the right hand side. In the front the Fried Den volunteer militia
just crossed Heerkens Road towards the Federal lines. Horse changing station in lower right corner.
Just ordinary men
Inspired by the new campaign that just started with the majority of our PMCD fellows, we felt like doing a table conflict in this style. The figures are from various brands and I had to turn my toy soldier domain upside down to find enough suitable pieces to field. The Americana/BMC's that are painted were done by my dad, years ago. The Deetails are factory issues. And the Timpo swoppets of course have these multiple colors in their 'DNA'. We were in doubt how to start the deployment (long sides vs short sides) and threw a die to decide. Stan played Union, I led the Confederates. The long side of the battlefield where the building is (left flank), holds the Southerners. The Rebs have a considerable rocky outcrop on their extreme right. Initially a gun battery is deployed in that spot.
Where the grass is always greener...
and the uniforms more blue! The Federals holding the high ground. Freshly improvised terrain inclinations were made the night before. One inch foam board cut to size, painted an earth tone and flocked freely, those ended up in both corners of the Northern deployment zone. Sadly, I only had time to treat one side on the new terrain pieces (glue, paint and flocking) resulting in wrapping (see photo below, right) over the day. This can be fixed afterwards, though.
Both armies were more or less improvised. Basically their color making them either the one or the other. Artillery and cavalry (acting as mounted infantry) divided between the two sides. Gaming rules "About Bonaparte" were used.
One, two three o'clock, four o'clock rock
Various smaller rocky formations were strewn over the field of Fried Den. Understandably the battle pivoted around these. Essentially over time the longitudinal frontage turned counter clockwise over 60 degrees. Losses on both sides (in full units) were hanging in the balance. Since no objective points were designated on the table (something we should have done at the start of the game) the fighting went on and on until the clock forced us on decisiveness.
Picture Gallery
-You'll find more text at the foot of this blog article-
Actions and moves in photo's below: not necessarily in order of appearance !
Notes on gaming hardware
A tabletennis foldable table was used as a platforms. Grass scenery railway paper is installed with staples. Roads are coffee powder recycled from our expresso machine, sun dried and dispersed to wish. Horse and watering station is a 1970-ties western building (post office), Playmobil fence and tree. Other trees were homemade as were the rocks and 'high-ground'. About Bonaparte gaming rules by Dirk Donvil (available at Caliver Books). Some 30 special (I, C, A, flag and blank) dice used. Other fencing were wooden sushi sticks. Cannons are BMC & Timpo (with mostly shrapnel ordnance ;-) ) All direct likeness to real existing characters is strictly incidental and the author does not accept any legal responsibility in this matter.
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The Batavian, painted toy soldiers