Ages (yes I'm getting that old) of toy soldier interests combined with the world wide web led to a lot of articles, pictures and ideas. One of the blogs I've read for years is 'Collecting Toy Soldiers' by Brian Carrick, typically recognized by his icon, this converted French Cuirassier:
Can be found at:
Savage fire starts with a spark
One of Brian's posts inspired me to to do something like it. Especially his type of gaming table layout intrigued. A main part for the typical bridge, in the scenario, defended by a unit of dismounted dragoons. His choice for a fun mix-up of figures is something we have in common, though he's a bit more realistic then what I am prepared to 'risk'. Great inspirational material it was/is! Thanks for that. I contacted Stan (my gaming mate) and made an appointment. Dressed in my DIY outfit, got to work and build a bridge like (sort of) the one the 'founding father' used in his game. (The procedure of the construction of the bridge can be watched in detail in a posting at Facebook community page: The Batavian: painted toy soldiers
"Excuse me.... now how are we supposed to call this battle:
A bridge too often"?
A panorama from the surrounding hills shows us a beautiful, walled town. Under siege of the terrible Brockensteiners, the inhabitants prepare for their horrible fate and a general call to arms is proclaimed by the local town crier.
The first outflanking maneuver tried by defenders of the town. Over a small secondary bridge onto a bank, distantly already occupied by the enemy forces.
The general of the defending army, situated just across the bridge, overseeing his overall deployment.
Dismounted unit of dragoons taking position at the main entrance of the town.
City militia gun crews prepare their ordnance for an enemy left flank bombardment.
A hot air balloon-view of 'a bridge too often'.
Brockensteiner grenadier guards await their finest hour in reserve at 'Ol Mills Hill'
A valliant dragoon defending his position on the main bridge.
The boyish sensation
Like in childhood, it makes no sense to limit yourself to specific timeframe historic figures ones hooked up by a game theme. Imagination and friendship are the major ingredients of a successful wargame event and that can not be beaten by the restricting attitude to have everything historically punctual. Same goes for game resolutions 'according to the rules'. All rulesets I know start off by proclaiming a sensible and friendly attitude towards fellow participants, most of the time, your opponent. And lets face it; it's better and nicer for your own feel-good experience, as well.
The rurals trying to hide their more valuable possessions.
The enemy cavalry advances toward the town at the trot.
More beer for thirsty throats, please...

Stop this nonsense Holy Man! There's a war going on.
Somewhere more Brockensteiners are marching double quick.....
In the eclips of the Christmas season...
The sun downing and still no shelter for his treasure...
"To paint or not to paint, that's the question"
As one can see, both fully painted figures and bare plastic nude ones. are being used in the game(s). Surely it is obvious me too, like fancy colored minimen. Painting in itself is fun and a relaxing activity. It's the fourth dimension; time, that keeps me from doing all this in a given timeframe. If given that too much credit, no game would be possible. And in my case, I'm honest, thats the toy soldier activity I want to give the highest priority, it's the big fun factor.
In the early evening hours, enemy reserves are getting dangerously close to town..
And more.... and more come in..
Let us prepare the defenses for that...
More troops to the flanks...
And the actual fighting commences...
Using the About Bonaparte wargame ruleset for 54mm figures.
I need more 'townish' scenery pieces: let's name this residency 'Bareburry'
Dismounted cavalry from town, skirmishing in and around the farmstead
The road spells carnage.... (as does the blue die in the picture)
Number two in this series Ridiculous Repititious Replays, we'll once again go into the Anglo-Boer War (1901) with a Wargames Illustrated (solo) scenario suggested by Mr. Nick Stern. It is called: The Guerrilla Raid. Table layout will be like this.
Questions or remarks are more then welcome below!
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The Batavian: painted toy soldiers