Tuesday 9 October 2018

Maréchal Ney Commands the Rear Guard

I am collecting figures in order to play the French retreat from Moscow in the winter of 1812. I was pleased to find that I already own twenty French infantry in greatcoats. I have ordered Russian Regular Infantry, Peasants and Cossacks to attack the French. I put together this little PhotoShop vignette to encourage myself to paint more figures.


  1. Nice work Nick, you can also use Accurate/Imex ACW and AWI figures in greatcoats with just a head change to make more 1812 Nap French. Here are a couple that I did, about half way down the page: http://www.toysoldier.freeuk.com/napoleon.htm

  2. Brian, you are the Conversion King! Thank you very much for the link, it is extremely helpful. I think I have most of the raw material already sitting in boxes. Your dismounted cuirassier is brilliant!

  3. Great stuff and nice seeting. Must be a lot of work for one picture. Congrats.
