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Slightly improvised but successful game. Steven and Adrien on the Flemish side. Patrick and me took the French.
The battle started with, skimishing on both sides. On the Flemish left flank, irritated by the French archers, Steven advanced his the East Flemish militias, stretching the center and creating a weakened only one unit deep line.

Patrick, who controlled the French center and right launched every knight unit forward.
Due to lack of space for a full charge the kinghts didn't couldn't brak any infantry unit in a first round of fighting. But the knights in the center kept on puching the infantry back and some units broke. The Flemish center giving way
It took some time before Patrick could restore order in his knight units but from that moment, the Flemish left was doomed, receving attcks in the flank. The knights on foot Flemish reserve started to move to late to restore the line.

The only thing the Flemish knights on foot could do was create a second line, But now the French knights had the space to launch full scale impact charges to victory. The battle was over.