Tuesday 20 June 2023

Game report May 21th 2023, fictional ECW battle - Covenanters vs English

We played a fictive ECW battle, with covenanters defending a village.

We used the Dutch version of About Cromwell

6 English infantry brigades vs Scottish brigades a 1 separate regiment.
The English also had 2 units of forlorn hope, 6 cavalry regiments and 2 units of dragoons, 2 medium guns and a light gun. The Scots had a light gun and a frame gun 6 cavalry units and one dragoon unit.

The first real actions, after some prudent manoeuvres, came from the flank were cavalry units charged, Two English cavalry on both sides defeated a Covenanter calvary unit… going in pursuit…of table. Test to return to the battlefield failed until the end of the game.
The English tried to dislocate the Scots with the forlorn hope and the artillery but without much result. 
On the English right, the English dragoons pulled out when a being charged by cavalry. 
The covenanter infantry player of the left became impatient and started to move his units to the left.

Also two Scots cavalry unit on the Scottish right defeated the remaining English cavalry and … departed in hot pursuit of table. However, one of the units returned later but that took a lot of turns. In the meanwhile, the English dragoons were free to move against the covenanter infantry. In the centre, finally the English infantry charged the hedgerows but were unable to break through.
The Scottish infantry that moved out, also wasn’t able to break through.

The retuning Scottish cavalry charged the English infantry but was destroyed. However, thoughts afterwards, the English infantry that had won, shouldn’t have bene able to turn to face the cavalry and should have received the charge in the flank! In would have been a decisive outcome. 
No breakthrough on any side, the result was a draw.


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