Sunday 10 January 2016

herinnering : zondagnamiddag 24/01/2016 "Rorke's Drift" in 54mm

Zondagnamiddag 24 januari, nieuwjaarsgame in De Pinte bij Bart en Martine.
(tenzij de weergoden ons ongunstig gezind zijn)

Maar een paar plaatsen vrij.
Wie wil komen, geef zo snel mogelijk een seintje. Wie nog niet zeker was, graag definitieve bevestiging!!


  1. Please post photos! I am working on the same project for a convention in May. What rules are you using?

  2. Hi Nick, I certainly will post some pics. The rule wel will use is a very simple and short one, a group member found on the net. The basic rule was in French and the group member made a translation into Dutch. I will translate it in English if you like.

  3. Thank you, Dirk! How did the game go? I would be very interested in a set of short and simple rules as I will be running the game at a convention with up to ten players.
