Friday, 26 February 2016

RISK figuren - vraag Patrick VDB

Ik wens enkele legers (Pruisisch, Frans, Oostenrijks, Engels en Russisch, …) van de 7-jarige oorlog na te maken. (Tijd van Frederick de grote, Maria Theresia, … 1757 – 1763 periode)
Zoals besproken/aangevraagd ben ik hiervoor op zoek naar risk-figuren. Deze zitten/zaten in dozen van het bekende spel en komen onder 2 (3 ?) mogelijke vormen voor. Ik zoek niet echt naar complete 2-handsspelen enkel de figuren zijn van tel.
Mag ik vragen om tijdens één van uw volgende snuisterpartijen op één of andere hobbybeurs/2° handsbeurs eens te willen uitkijken naar hetvolgende ? 
Ik ben bereid om voor een 150-tal figuren € 5 à € 10 te spenderen. Recentelijk kocht ik bij de beurs in Woluwe 243 figuren (eerste vorm en 2°-variant) voor € 7.
In totaliteit hoop ik een 2000 figuren te hebben op middellange termijn. Het idee is om inf.-regimenten op stands te hebben met 10 figuren, cav.-regimenten tellen 5 fig. en de aie wordt voorgesteld met slechts 2 stukken op een stand.
Momenteel heb ik (al) een 300-tal figuren.
Met dank,

Patrick Van den Brande

De figuren nu. Om u te helpen bij het bepalen en keuzes te kunnen maken enige foto’s.
De eerste vorm (en 2°-variant)
Onderstaande foto’s geven een idee van wat deze zijn. Opmerking; het kanon dat ik in deze figuren heb heeft eveneens een figuur (met shako) eraan. (= de variant) De inf.-fig hebben een shako en zitten geknield. De cav.-figuur is een huzaar.
Deze figuren zijn mij dienstig voor eventuele aanvulling. D.w.z.; ze zijn zeker welkom maar ik kan het ruiterfiguur enkel gebruiken om huzaren mee te maken. De inf.figuur is enkel bruikbaar voor het maken van militie/pandouren/… Het kanon (indien met figuur is de fig. enkel bruikbaar om officiersfiguren te maken) wordt gekannibaliseerd en dit geeft enkel wielen voor bevoorradingskarren te maken.

Conclusie; leuk om te hebben maar niet prioritair.

De tweede vorm (geen 2°-variant)
Onderstaande foto’s geven een idee van wat deze zijn. Opmerking; het kanon dat ik in deze figuren heb heeft een figuur (met 3-spitshoed en vlag) eraan. Dit is een zeer gewild figuurtje want hiervan maak ik standaarddragers/trommelaars én een bruikbaar kanon. Deze figuren zijn door mij zeer gewild want ik kan het ruiterfiguur gebruiken om alle gewenste soorten cavalerie en hogere officieren mee te maken. De inf.figuur (met 3-spitshoed) is bij uitstek geschikt om lijninfanterie te maken van elk van de legers.
Conclusie; zeer gewild.

Wednesday, 24 February 2016

54mm.-1/32 ACW Battle: Battle of De Cleyn Ridge, February 21, 1863 Tennessee

This was a fictional ACW game February 21th, 2016,  Denderleeuw.
All figures from and painted by Piet Lambrecht.
the scenario was: A strategical crossroad occupied by the Federals was abandoned due to a Confederate advance in overwhelming numbers. With some reinforcements  arriving a front line was established some distance away from the crossroad, hoping to keep the line while awaiting the reinforcements to come in force.
Our game starts here.

But first some notes on the composition of the armies.
The "About Bonaparte" ACW adaptations were used:

Confederates have smaller units (4 stands) but are all veterans except the Louisiana Tigers 2 regiments, which are Elite. Also for the infantry charges only the Confederate still have the charge bonus.

The Confederate artillery batteries however are less powerful, average of 3 figures while the Federals have an average of 4 figures.
The Federal regiments are bigger in size, almost all of them having 6 stands. Only the sharpshooter unit having just 4 stands, but being veteran, and in fact the only veteran unit on the Federal side. There is however the Iron brigade, with the two regiments being Elite.
Both sides have also 2 units of (light)cavalry. They can dismount and fight on foot, with high firepower at close range (revolvers/carbines) but almost none at long range. Dismounted cavalry will act as skirmishes while being charged.
Also the Confederates have one sharpshooter unit which can act as skirmishes.

 Five player-brigade generals on each side.
Confederate right to left, (Patrick) Pots, 4 regiments of which one sharpshooter/skirmish unit, 2 batteries. Next Adrien, 6 regiments, reserve Robbe, 6 regiments of which 2 are Elite, centre front Steven, 6 regiments and 2 batteries,  Extreme left, Marcel: 2 regiments, one battery, 2 cavalry regiments, one horse battery. 

Federals: left Patrick (VDB) 3 regiments in the front line of which one in the woods of the left centre, one heavy battery on hill behind the front line. Sharpshooters coming on the field the 2nd turn.  Then Geert, all units coming on the field the second turn: 3 regiments, of which two are Iron brigade (elite) 2 heavy batteries and a cavalry regiment, Then me, Dirk, 2 regiments in the front line, with a battery, 2 regiments coming ip with the reserves. Centre right, Siegfried with the Zouave brigade 4 regiments, one battery all coming from the reserve. On the right,Piet, 2 regiments in the front line, 2 coming up, and a cavalry regiment with a horse battery.

Pots, on the Confederate right dispatched his sharpshooters into skirmish formation towards Patricks who's regiments had taken positions behind a fence. . More to the centre Adrien targeted Patricks regiment in the Woods, which was forced back into the Woods.  My two front regiments and battery were charged by Steven, pushing my units back and my artillerists abandoning their guns.  Marcel did a cavalry charge and was able to force back the targeted regiment. 

In our turn, I tried to retake my battery but wasn't able to do so, My regiment driven back with losses.  On our left Patrick firing line inflicted a number of casualties on the Confederate sharpshooters. 

Piet's cavalry on the Federal right had come to the field and immediately attacked the Confederate cavalry of Marcel, but unable to drive them of, the fight evolving in a continuous melee. Also his battery inflicted losses on a regiment in battle column .

In the second Confederate turn we saw them continuing their aggressive move. While Patrick was able to keep his line, his regiment in the woods even drove of an attack of two Confederate regiments.

 One of my regiments broke, the other one had to give ground. Steven kept one regiment with my lost battery to spike the guns, while another of his regiments attack and drove one of Piet's regiments to the rear. In our turn, the reserves were now on the field. 

Geert immediately deployed his batteries into a grand battery that took on one of Stevens regiments with great effect, the unit immediately halved. 

One of pots’ regiments also took casualties. On the Confederate left, the ongoing cavalry melee raged on without decision.


he next Confederate turn Steven pushed further. It was a tense moment for me. While my two reserve units were still in mars column,  I was hoping my worn remaining regiment in battle formation could hold the line and would not break, a breakthrough charge on my mars column regiments would almost certainly break my command, and the battle lost.  

The regiment was beaten back but stayed on the field, the Attacking Confederate units didn’t breakthrough. Also Pots charged the Federal sharpshooters but them too , chased back didn’t’ quit the field, his command also holding out.

Patrick’s regiment in de woods survived a new charge of two supported units from Adrien,  effectively keeping back the huge build-up of Confederate units.

The Federal turn now.  Patrick on the left returned with his sharpshooters,  Pots’ regiment dissolving. 

The Iron Brigade of Geert taking position behind the  woods ready to take on any Confederate. In the centre I was able to form my firing line, and with Geerts grand battery creating one huge killing ground.  

One regiment destroyed, another one driven back. It apparent now Steven’s  advance without support from Adrien or Robbe has put him into trouble. 

 Zouave brigade of Siegfried advanced aggressively destroying yet another regiment of Steven.  

 Piet was able to rout the remains of the first Confederate cavalry regiment. And deployed his reserve regiments in line. 

The odds had changed. Stevens’ command all but broken, Pots command even so, Marcel not strong enough to mount offensive actions, and Robbe and Adrien bogged down, behind the woods and on the central hill, chances of a Confederate victory fading away.  

The final turns, the Confederates tried  to consolidate their position , and still not able to break Patricks regiment in the woods. Siegfried with his Zouaves effectively pushing back Steven and Marcel almost reached the Confederate base line.  

the left One of the Iron brigade regiments broke one of Pots’ regiments with a charge another on destroyed by musketry, and the Confederate sharpshooters undergoing the same fate. 

Pots’ could do no other than to sound the retreat.   

The two brigades of Adrien and Robbe now confronted with the risk of being outflanked or even surrounded had no other option than to admit defeat.

A close run thee hour game, with everything in it, accompanied with fine Belgian beer and chocolates . An afternoon to remember.