Saturday 2 November 2019

Russian Ottoman war of 1806-1812 : Tatariz October 10th 1809 in 54mm

For his Birthday, my godchild Kristof had asked to stage a wargame for him and his friends.
They shoose the Russian Ottoman wars as theme.
I did find an appropreate battle in this book (higly recommended)

I boosted the number of batalions and units involved to have a balanced big battle.

Russian players: 
from left to right
Dirk as col. Prince Trubetskoy: 7th & 14th jäger regt + battery
Kristof CIC as General Bagration  controling forces of General Kusknikov : Ukraine & Novgorod Inf regt + battery & Col Count Pahlen  force: Starodub & Dept Drgoon regt + horse battery & 2 Cossack regts  Bert as Gen bakhmetyev: Voronezh & Arkhangelogorod Musketeer regt + battery
Alwin as General von Mecklenburg : Moscow & Malorossiski Grenadier regt + battery

Ottoman players: 
Gaetan as Mahmut Tiran Pasha, comming up as reinforcements on a 6 in the first turn, 5or 6 in the 2nd turn, etc.  4 units of Nizam-i Djedid (westrn style infantry) 2  units of Albanian infantry, 3 units of Albanian Suvarleri (veteran medium) cavalry + horse battery, 
Thomas 2 redouts with medium batteries, 2 orta of jannisaries, 1 unit of Albanian infantry , 2 units of Bulgarian rayas (skirmish) infantry + 2 units of Balkan delis c(light)avalry
Marnix CIC as Mehmet Pasha 2 redouts with 2 heavy batteries + 3 orta of jannisaries + 2 units of Anatolian sekhans (skirmish) infantry

The fire of the heavy batteries drove back the forces Alwin and Bert over and over again in the first rounds

The dragoons and delis cavalry fought a number of battles without important results except wearing down each others strength

The central redout was assaulted time and time again by Kirstof 

The outflanking manouvre of Alwin was frustrated by the sekhans skimishers and musketry of the jannisars.

Dirk split up his force, halve taking on the Albanians the other part taking positions behind the stream.

Kristof did send the cossacks to the left as reinforcements.

In the woods, the cossacks did find excelent terrain for their tactics. An enemy force  in trouble or showing its flank or rear led to a mandatory charge, no order needed.

Finaly the jäger had a foothold on the central hill.

Kristof also managed to take the breastwork and one of the batteries. However his reserves were running low.

Bert & Alwin changed tactics and went for an ll or nothing frontal assault on the main Ottoman position.

They also took the breastworks, it seemd the Russians were taking the opper hand, one of the heavy batteries even destroyed. Victory was imminent

The jägers on the far left stood ground, the Suvarileri cavalry failed to break them and the Ottoman cavalry was hit in the flank and  swept away by cossacks .
The same fate for the Albaninan infantry. The Russian left was holdiing against the odds.

But Marnix and Thomas, with their last reserves were able to drive back the Russians from the breastworks. 

Withe the forces of Alwin, Bert and Kristof on breaking point, another Russian atempt was impossible.  Victory had been so close

Mehmet Pasha,  victorious, as happend in reality


  1. Marvellous Turkish army! I love the Elastolins but thought they would even bigger compared to the 54's than they appear to be in the photos. Since the Jannisarries had a Big reputation they fit well.

  2. Hi Ross, thx. A big part of the Ottomans are Engineer Basevich figures.

  3. Great to see your collection for this unusual period. I love your redoubt!

  4. A tense battlereport Dirk. Obvious goals and intermittend chances for both sides. Compliments!

  5. Bedankt Marcel. Hoe gaat het?

  6. Op de een of andere vreemde manier kan ik geen replies en comments plaatsen via mijn andere account. Het plaatsen van de blog postings lukt daarmee dan weer wel. Maar goed.. Met mij gaat het goed. Omdat ik uit milieu overwegingen geen auto meer bezit zijn de bezoekjes aan jullie game middagen een stuk ingewikkelder geworden. Op het gebied van de 54mm figuren ben ik nog steeds vooral koloniaal (Noord- en Zuid Afrikaans) actief. Ik heb onder meer een Askari eenheid geknutseld. Omdat ik ze zo gaaf vind, heb ik ook een partij EF Ottomanen onder de penselen. Heb daarvoor ook wat dingen gedaan met Airfix figuren. Mondjesmaat Napoleontisch, iets waar Stan momenteel zeer actief mee is. Met de laatste sta ik in de meeste gevallen ook rond de gametafel. Communicatie met Peter is helaas weer helemaal stil gevallen. Ik mail je binnenkort om wat huisadressen van PMCD leden waarvan ik ('schaam, schaam') wat schilderklusjes heb staan.
