Again making use of dots instead of hexes (dot being the center of a hex). No need to mesure destances.
A greek city in Asia minor has rebelled. Athens sends a military expedition to support the rebels.
The local satrap has mustered Persian infantry and cavalry, and also hoplites from loyal Greek cities in Asia Minor.
He has send his army with two generals in command Steven and geert are the commanders.
Geert is leading the left flank. He has 3 units of light cavalry and one medium cavalry. Also 3 units of medium infantry, one being veteran.
Steven has command over 3 units of skirmish infantry, 3 units of medium infantry and 2 hoplite (hevy infantry) units.
Oposite to them are also 2 forces the Athenians on the Greek right: 3 units of hoplites, 1 skirmish unit and one medium infantry unit; All these units are veterans. The commander is Patrick.
On the left are the units of the rebelious town: 4 units of hoplites (heavy infantry) one unit of skirmish infantry, one unit of medium infantry. Siegfried is the chief.
To limit units being able to do many maneuvers , the generals have 2 command dice, except Geert, has one extra command die for the cavalry.
The Greek start, but only siegfried has thrown ussefull commands, and moves forward. The Persians wait and use their skirmishers.
Also in the second round, the Athenians do not move, due to lack of orders.
The first row of siegfrieds hoplites close in to the Persian skirmishers. Most of them run to the rear, one has to fight but with little damage.
Steven moved his medium infantry forward. Close combat had started.
Still the Athenians stayed immobile. Geert decided to charge with his light horse in open formation. The two units that came in contact did not last long.
Finally the Athenians started their advance. Geert's medium infantry suffered from the Athenian archers and were then charge by the hoplites.
Also, the hoplites that had defeated the light horse moved towards the medium cavalry.
On the other side, what seemed at first a walk over for the Greek hoplites, was turning against them.
The Greek medium infantry was destroyed, their hoplite units had suffered losses and now the Persian allied hoplites closed in.
The Persian light infantry also made casualties among the hoplites. Two Greek hoplite units were destroyed, the breaking point of the Greek left wing was imminent.
On the other side the Athenians had broken two Persian medium infantry units, the third, being veteran was much tougher, stading ground against the hoplites.
The persian left wing was also on breaking point due to the medium cavalry loosing their attached general.
Both sides were at one loss away from defeat. It were the Athenians that prevailed over the Persian cavalry, making a very close victory.