Sunday 9 June 2024

Fictive 1813 Napoleonic battle

A French-allied force facing a Russo-Prussian force, to defend a strategic crossroad.

Steven as Prussian, Peter as Russian, Dirk with the French allies Bavarian-Württenberger force supported by french artillery and hussars, and Adrien with the French force.
Prussian and Russian forces were larger than the definding French. The French left were all veterans.

Peter attacked with his 3 regiments of dragoons while his infantry progressed towards the village and crossroad. The charge swept away a battery and 2 Bavarian infantry batalions, receiving themselves heavy losses. The French-allied right was already in big trouble from the start. Steven did, a more cautius advance as his hussars faced veterans French dragoons, but Adrian remaind on his positions.

On the far left, the third Russian dragoon unit attacked the Württenvberger jägers which turned out to be a fiasco. The unit was all but destroyed.

The clash between French Dragoons and Prussian hussars resulted in the dragoons retreating af table. 
Adrien went ofrward with his infantry near the village and was able to push bach the Prussians, but had now the problem of the hussars in his back. Moreover The Prussians were also able to drive of table  the veteran Polish troops on the extreme left. 

The French hussars on the right destroyed in their turn the remaining Russian dragoon unit. Suddenly, a whole new situation was created.  The W¨rttenberger jäger skirmish units could now deploy as skirmishes harrasing the Russian attack columns, that also had suffered heavely from the the remaining French battery.

The remaining Russian drgoons were finished off giving free hand to the French hussars that started to turn the Russian flank. The Russians had been able to eliminate the remaining batery facing them, but were by now forced to take defensive positions!

The Prussians had almost taken the village but had to fall back some distance.  And the Russian were by now desperate to keep their line, while being cut to pieces but the Württenberg-Bavarian musketry.
But for the French force of Adrian, to few troops remained on table.

With yet another batalions destroyed, his command was broken.  The Russians being saved by the bell.
It is a common mistake made by novice wargamers to start the battle with cavalry charges, while it is better to keep them in reserve to exploit weeknesses of the enemy, later i nthe battle. 



  1. Looks like a fun game. I've always wanted to do a mini- Leipzig! I am going to steal some of your scenario details.

  2. I must admit, i'm thinking of a Leipzig campaign , or a véry big 54mm battle.
