Monday 13 May 2024

Knights and Bowmen - April 21th 2024

Some of our team members wanted to start making a new rule for battles with knights.
Steve had some basic "hit and save" rules. Steven brought the Britains bowmen and all other figures are from my childhood, being al arround 50 years old.

As most rule making is trail and error, the first games were done very quickly. 
Some suggestions of players were straight from our About Caesar rule, which is not the intention when making something new. So still much rewriting to do.



  1. I have a large collection of similar medieval miniatures, but mine are recent purchases. None of my toys survived my childhood. Please keep us informed about your progress with the medieval rules. I have Romans and Barbarians as well, though not in 54mm. Where can I buy a copy of About Caesar?

  2. I just ordered a copy from Caliver Books.

  3. Many of my figures are in a poor state and repainted them as a kid a number of times. so not always looking good. Thank you for ordering the rule! I can send you a pdf as well if you like. Do you play LOTR battles? In that case I can send you a pdf of my adapted About Ceasar rule "About Kings and Heroes". It is not available in print or sold. Just for personal use.

  4. Dirk, please send me the pdf for About Caesar. Thank you. I must be the only gamer I know who never got into LOTR. I like my medieval history dragon-free. But thank you for the offer.

  5. My youngest son was a young kid when the movies of LOTR came out, and he was so imprest he wanted the figues. The rule that came with the figures was not working for my boys, and we were able to get figures from other older group members who were also disapointed in the rule. So, I made for my sons a version of About Caesar that didn't result in endless dice throws, killing the game flow. It worked really well and with other yougsters i, the group having those figures and joining us in big battles it results in fun games. And yes, there is also a bit of magic that can be brought in the game.
