Friday 19 July 2024

Battle of the Black Gate LOTR

We played a LOTR battle using About Kings and Heroes, our LOTR adaptation of About Caesar.

Frodo, Sam and Sméagol are on their way to Mount Doom. To destroy the one ring and end this conflict once and for all.

To distract the eye of Mordor, the armies of men attack the Black Gate.
Steven with the army of Rohan, Thomas with the army of Gondor and Peter with a combined force of Rangers and  Númenóreans.

They have 6 heroes, Aragaron, Gimli, Gandalf, Legolas, Merry and Pippin.
When a hero is attached to a unit, the moral is boosted, and they have an extra die.

The armies Mordor  march out to face them. Alberik with a combined force of orcs and Haradrim men.
Marnix takes the centre with orcs, battle trolls  and Uruk-hai. Dirk leads the left with goblins and mountain trolls.

 With no cavalry on both sides to support them, the armies of evil must defeat the amries of men before the ring is destroyed. And the armies of men must survive so Frodo and Sam can reach Mount Doom
Dice are thrown to see how fast Frodo, Sam and Smeagol can advance towards the top.

Archers slow down the servants of Sauron, but once the archers come in contact with the orcs, goblins and Hardrim soldiers, they have to fight or perish. 

The heavier troops stand their ground, and with the help of the heroes they can stay put.

Once the trolls join the fight, the armies of men come under presure.

The masses of goblins swamped the Rohan troops.

Gondor troops stabelize the situation in the centre. 

The Gondorian left flank with the Ranger archers and the elite Numenorians are taking the upper hand on the orcs and Haradrim.

Frodo, Sam and Smeagol  make astonishing progress.

The Armies of Mordor throw everything foreward, there is no time to waste. 

Rohan has to commit it's last reserves, but the goblins keep pushing.
Rohan is at it's breaking point.

Legolas keeps moral high.

Gandalf in the middle of a fight!

Now Sauron's best troops come to the front, the Uruk-hai are joining the fight.

Smeagol has knocked down Sam, and is fighting Frodo.

With the last forces of Rhohan remaing, the orcs have to break the Gondorian troops.
There are only a few turns remaing before the ring is detroyed

But then Smeagol fals into the fire, The Ring is destroyed. With their master destroyed, the orcs run for their lives.


Some extra pics of the game.

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