Monday 2 September 2024

Hät ACW test figures painted as soldiers from Second Franco-Mexican War (1861–1867)

(from wikipedia) The Second Franco-Mexican War (1861–1867), was a military invasion of the Republic of Mexico by the French Empire of Napoleon III, purportedly to force the collection of Mexican debts in conjunction with Great Britain and Spain. Mexican conservatives supported the invasion, since they had been defeated by the liberal government of Benito Juárez in a three-year civil war. Defeated on the battlefield, conservatives sought the aid of France to effect regime change and establish a monarchy in Mexico, a plan that meshed with Napoleon III's plans to re-establish the presence of the French Empire in the Americas. Although the French invasion displaced Juárez's Republican government from the Mexican capital and the monarchy of Archduke Maximilian was established, the Second Mexican Empire collapsed within a few years.

There is some interest in Belgium for this conflict, as the empress was the Belgian Princess Charlotte, known in Mexico as Carlota. As Belgum was a neutral state, sending regular troops was prohibited, but a Belgian Legion of volonteers was formed of about 4.000 men it saw action in some battles with varying success.  With the withdrawal of the French troops in 1866, most of the Belgian troops also returned to Europe.

The first pictures are from the Imperial army

The first figures are painted as Cazadores de Mexico ( 1866 -1867)

Hereunder privates from the Imperial Amry (1866 - 1867)

Next a Jäger of the Austrian Legion (1865)

Next are figures from the Federal Army

Line Infantry private ( 1866 -1867)

privates of the 2nd Morelia Btn of the national Guard (1863)

These 3 figures are Federal line infantry (1856 - 1863)

Next a State militiaman (1863 - 1867)



  1. The figures and background look really good, and appropriate (based on Movies, I've never been there).

    The figures look a lot to me like the new(ish)Hat ACW

    1. Arrgh! Clumsy fingers! I'm not an expert but to me all of these painted figures look the part. Well done! I look forward to the cavalry (and the foreign Legion for Cameron's).

  2. Very clever conversions! Of course the US supplied complete Union Army uniforms to the Juaristas, especially in the north of Mexico. I wish there was a good source for 1/72 Mexican sombreros for conversions. I am collecting for the same period, but I am using Jacklex figures for the French Foreign Legion and Mexican irregulars (wearing sombreros).

  3. Hi Nick, indeed the US was the big supplier of the Federal Mexican army. Peter and i have Mexican figures of Steve Weston, to use as irregular troops. I'll post about it later. We indeed also will use French Foreign Legion figures. Parick of our Ggroup has painted Legion figures as members of the Belgian Volonteer Legion . Peters French zouaves will also join.
